Home & Garden: Make Your Own Abandoned Car Garden
Part 1: Decorating the Pot
In the rural area where I grew up, it wasn’t uncommon to see abandoned cars in people’s yards or pastures. These vehicles were in various states of not-so-genteel decay, their once lurid paint jobs long since baked away by the sun. Many had been “parked” for so long that they’d become practically invisible to the residents of the household in the same way that one may not notice a pair of socks sitting in the living room floor
Many vehicles took on second lives: a storage facility for empty beer cans, an emergency wild animal refuge, a “secret” clubhouse or a play pen for the children (why pay good money for a flimsy plastic steering wheel toy which honks when you have the real thing in your yard?). Sometimes a teenage boy would get a hankering to fix one up and maybe drive it into a barbed wire fence. Most parents didn’t worry about this since it kept the boy out of trouble; they knew he’d be grown before he’d actually get the car running.
This project echoes those miracle days of yesteryear. A much abused model of a 1957 Chrysler sits under a fern “tree” while a drunken pink plastic yard flamingo looks on. (Of course, you can choose your own themes: how about a UFO crash scene? Or a pickup full of “manure”?)
Miniatures inside the car and a grasslike ground cover add additional realism. This is truly a no-fail, no-pressure project: the more horrible the car looks, the better! If a few parts don’t get glued on right, you can simply toss them in the passenger compartment – just like real life! And if the ground cover or fern die, you can simply tell people that there was a drought or plague.
You may find that this project increases your productivity. Gazing at your garden a few minutes each day will give you a much-needed break and let you regain focus and clarity. Additionally, you’ll have more time on hand, since people will quit talking to you because they’ll think that you’re strange.
In this, the first of a three part series, we show you how to choose plants and prepare the pot. In the next two parts, we’ll show you how to make the car and the goodies which breathe life into the scene. |
Part 2 and Part 3? Nothing came up in a search.